Running for NI Hospice at the 2024 Belfast City Marathon

On Sunday, a number of our team members took part in the Belfast City Marathon Relay Race!

After months of training, and overcoming various challenges along the way, they showed up and gave it their all.

Jonny running.

Working together, they completed the gruelling 26.2 mile course, pushing through both physical and mental challenges to cross the finish line.

The team ran in support of our charity partner, NI Hospice, which provides specialist care to those living with life-limiting and life-threatening illnesses across Northern Ireland. They rely on donations to help them continue to care for local families.

Along with all the fun of the event, the entire team has been working together to raise awareness and funds for NI Hospice. Thanks to their collective efforts and the incredible support from our clients, we have successfully raised a significant amount for NI Hospice so far this year.

Hereā€™s a look at what our team had to say about their experience running the Marathon.

“I am not a natural runner in any sense, but being part of the Platinum relay team was a great way for us to raise some extra donations for our charity partner, NI Hospice. The team trained hard, it was a great atmosphere on the day, and knowing it was all for a good cause got us over the finish line.” Michael Geddis, Financial Planner

“Running in the Belfast Marathon was an amazing experience from start to finish. On the day of the race, the atmosphere was electric, and the cheers around the city really helped spur me on. Raising money for the NI Hospice added an extra layer of meaning to the whole event, making every mile feel worthwhile. Overall, it was a rewarding experience and a great excuse to raise some funds for a great cause.”Ā Owen Boyd, Paraplanner

A huge congratulations to our team members who took part in the marathon relay. Theyā€™ve put in hard work and determination for the Marathon, and we are incredibly proud of their achievements.

We would also like to say a massive thank you to everyone who supported us in our recent efforts. Your encouragement and generosity have been very much appreciated. This support ensures that NI Hospice can continue to care for local families when they need it most.

Stay tuned for more updates on our fundraising efforts and upcoming events.

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