"Platinum make me feel more secure about my financial future"
My name is Charlie Mack. I’ve been a client of Platinum Financial for 10 years and I work directly with Jonny Scott.
I got in touch with Platinum Financial, eventually through my working scenario. So firstly, I worked with Platinum Financial, as a CEO of a large charity, working across Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland. Platinum Financial were doing some pension work for us since 2005; but I got to know Jonathan Scott, who was the adviser to the charity, in 2013.
From a personal point of view, I approached Johnny in 2013, to seek advice on pensions, my personal investments and retirement planning advice.
I found them to be very approachable, very pragmatic, very professional, and I trusted them, both in a work context and a personal context.
I feel empowered, I feel that I’m supported by a group of professionals who are interested in me, and whom I trust.
The way I feel about my future having worked with Platinum for 10 years is, a lot more confident about my finances. Up until 10 years ago, I wasn’t really sure on how to target my investments or how to maximise my pension pot towards retirement. And the advice that I’ve had from Johnny and Platinum Financial has given me a lot more control. I’ve felt that they have been there for the really big decisions, and there can be no greater decision than what you’re going to do with your investments and your pension for retirement.
The three words that I would choose to describe Platinum and the relationship that I’ve built up over 10 years with Jonny Scott, are person-focused, professional, and trusted.
The best thing about working with Platinum is that I feel excited before any call that I have or any meeting I have with Jonny because I know that from leaving that meeting, I will have been equipped with a better understanding, I will have received independent advice, and I’ll feel more secure about my future.
The best piece of advice that Johnny has given me is an accumulation of both investments and pensions and tax advice, which has saved me over ten years, 40% of my financial wealth.
I would highly recommend Platinum both in a work context; when I worked as a CEO of a large charity both in Ireland and now in England, I found their advice, extremely supportive and focused towards the needs of the company; but also on a personal basis, I’ve found Platinum to be someone that I can trust, somebody who’s interested in me. So for those reasons, both work and personal, I would highly recommend working with Platinum.